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사역 전체 검색결과




우리들의 사사, 보혜사 성령의 인도를 받으라 Our judge ! The holy spirit of counselor_박보명목사 치유축사 전문 사역자양성원 새창
2022.12.23 금요철야박보명목사 Pastor Bo Myung Park 안내 guidance☛Click the (gear) setting button at the top right of the video - click the language subtitle of the desired country, and then click the (CC subtitle) button.☛ Cliquez sur le bouton de réglage (engrenage) en haut à droite de la vidéo - clique…
우울증, 살기, 거부감, 깊은 분노, 심한 감정 기복은 언제 시작되는가? Depression, fear, anger.. When do severe mood swings begin? 새창
박보명목사 Pastor Bo Myung Park 안내 guidance☛Click the (gear) setting button at the top right of the video - click the language subtitle of the desired country, and then click the (CC subtitle) button.☛ Cliquez sur le bouton de réglage (engrenage) en haut à droite de la vidéo - cliquez sur le sous-t…
"영"기도 중(기도하는 본인이) 짜증, 욕, 분노, 괴성의 현상: 박보명목사 치유축사 전문 사역자양성원 새창
박보명목사 Pastor Bomyeong Park 안내 guidance☛Click the (gear) setting button at the top right of the video - click the language subtitle of the desired country, and then click the (CC subtitle) button.☛ Cliquez sur le bouton de réglage (engrenage) en haut à droite de la vidéo - cliquez sur le sous-t…
혹독한 인생살이를 겪는 사람의 현상 A bless glossolalia phenomenon of a person tied to a harsh life 박보명목사 새창
Hallelujah !! 박보명목사 Pastor Bo-Myeong Park 안내 guidance☛ Click the (gear) setting button at the top right of the video - click the language subtitle of the desired country, and then click the (CC subtitle) button.☛ Cliquez sur le bouton de réglage (engrenage) en haut à droite de la vidéo - cliquez …




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